The Big Harvest

India is celebrating Harvest Festival as a collective Thanksgiving. Conceived as a gesture of gratitude towards all the factors contributing to a good harvest, this festival stands out in its theme . Liberated minds, well formed inclusive culture and the need for a handout for future generations could have been some of the factors which drove the ancient Indians to conceptualize this joyous festivity.

A good season's yield gathered at harvest as a result of hard labour and dedication makes the farmer happy and contented. In turn he offers his produce to the Gods in the form of Sun, Rain and wind. The Earth he tills is given some rest. The agricultural waste is put to flame in some places. Thus all the elements of our life are acknowledged and worshipped.

As the Indian society moved away from agrarian to manufacturing one the enthusiasm declined. People carried on mechanically. The whole idea took a commercial turn and made it a time for feast and splurge. The recent Farm bills and farmer's protest have brought out the real plight of the Farmers. The perception regarding farming is undergoing change. The climate change , pollution in the air and the quality of the crops produced are the causes for concern immediately. In a way Pandemic has slowed down the pace of mechanistic lifestyle. Now if good measures are adopted and implemented we can be assured of agricultural wellbeing. Soil conservation, cropping patterns, quality of the seeds, the watering techniques and other tools can be achieved by thoughtful experienced professionals with the help of social groups working in this field.

Like all living beings, crops/ plants and humans share a closer bond. They have a life cycle weathering many unforeseen conditions and emboldening themselves to stay put in the world. A young sapling , well taken care of by the grower with strict vigil and letting it grow into robust crops is very similar to the young ones nourished and allowed to imbibe the best for a good life by the humans. Humans and vegetations help each other in safeguarding the quality of life . Hence a culture with a rich heritage always credits its success to core values like discipline, adherence, amity, knowledge, mobility, respect, faithfulness and freedom .

As a new learning let us venerate every morsel of food grain that which vitalises our body and has an impact of healing ingrained in it for the soul.

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